Trivia Night & Auction

Belinder Elementary PTA hosts two major fundraisers that rotate every other year.  The Auction occurs in even years, and the Trivia Night in odd-numbered years.  Since Auction is the larger scale of the two, this schedule ensures a small break for contributors and donors.

Typically held on a Friday evening in February, both events are wonderful evenings to mingle with friends, enjoy food and drink, and spend money to help Belinder!  Proceeds from the Auction are used to fund our Race for Excellence campaign.

The Auction will include live auction items, class party sign-ups, fund-a-need, and a silent auction with hundreds of items available to bid on.

Trivia Night is a team-based quiz event with multiple rounds of questions and prizes for the top team.  At the mid-way point, there is also a small live auction with only a dozen or so items available to bid on. Class parties are also available throughout the evening for sign-up.

As mentioned above, these two events together fund the Race for Excellence which pays for the much-needed aide positions that the District no longer provides.  Not only are Trivia Night and Auction fun and social, but they are also very important to the success of our students.

You can also make donations directly to Race for Excellence by clicking here.

If you have questions, comments, or suggestions for the Belinder Elementary Trivia Night & Auction committee, please click here.  If you would like to volunteer to help out or lead the Trivia Night & Auction committee, please click here.

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